Менеджер it project (middle-senior)

Messapps №11632166, 15 septembrie 2022
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Universitate
Experiența de munca: De la 2 ani
Salariu: 1 500 USD
Program de muncă: Full-time
Locul de muncă: Remote
Dispuși să angajăm refugiați
Данная вакансия подразумевает регулярное общение с клиентами на английском языке, поэтому рассматриваем кандидатов только со свободным английским. Спасибо!

We are looking for a talented project manager, ideally with a mobile application development knowledge or background, to join our remote team.


- Fluent English language.
- Have experience working as a project manager in design, or development, or other digital companies.
- Be very responsible. No missed deadlines and broken promises.
- Be a great communicator. You need to talk to our team and make sure they are working on time. You need to talk to clients and make sure they are happy.
- Be eager to learn best practices and technologies in development, UI/UX design, etc. Strive to constantly raise the quality bar for the rest of the team.
- Be familiar with Agile and waterfall software development methodology (know what is Scrum & Kanban)
- Be a fan of mobile technology and apps. Be a frequent use of other apps.
- A desire to be the best project/product manager the world has ever seen


- Be the link between our clients and our design & development team
- Prepare documentation for our team that describes the project and the work they need to do
- Communicate with clients to update them on the project status and discuss еру best solutions for their new ideas and any issues
- Manage our designers and developers to make sure that work is performed on time and we do what is expected by the client

Условия работы:
1) Полный рабочий день - 8 часов.
2) График работы: Обязательно работать в период 8 утра - 12 дня по Нью Йорку (основной офис). Остальные 4 часа можно раньше, можно позже. Лучше позже, чтобы больше совпадать с Нью Йорком.
3) Удаленная работа.
4) Работаем организованно: используем месенджеры, таск менеджеры (в которых ведем спринты), и тайм трекеры.
5) Большая часть работы ведется на английском языке, поэтому необходимо знание языка достаточного для изучения профессиональной литературы и общения на рабочие темы.
Persoana de contact:
Мусабекова Мээрим
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