Devops - ci/cd engineer

KeborMed Inc.
Город: Кишинев
Образование: Университет, институт
Опыт работы: Любой
Зарплата: От 3000 До 4500 USD
График: Гибкий график
Место работы: Удалённо
Готовы трудоустроить беженцев
KeborMed is a US corporation, providing connectivity services to healthcare device manufacturers. The company is based in Cleveland, OH, but our development team is located in Europe (Romania, Moldova and Portugal). The KeborMed team is growing and we are looking for passionate people who like to get stuff done, who can always focus on the big picture, and are ready to keep learning and improving, no matter how long they've been in the business.

We are looking for an experienced DevOps CI/CD Engineer to manage the CI/CD environments.

- good knowledge of Jenkins pipelines (plugins, groovy, custom libraries)
- good knowledge of at least one cloud based CI/CD product: CircleCI, BitBucket Pipelines, Github Actions, Azure Devops pipelines, etc.
- experience using Nexus or another Artifact Repository product
- ability to configure a dev toolchain to work with a private Artifact repository
- experience with one or more dev stacks, specifically the build part of it.
- good knowledge of Bash and ability to write simple scripts
- comfortable working with Dockerfiles (modify, multi-stage builds, etc).

Bonus skills:
- Familiar with automation on GIthub and/or Bitbucket API (or other)
- experience with Kubernetes

- Maintain our Jenkins server configuration
- Debug issues with the build pipelines
- Work with Developers on maintaining and improving the whole CI/CD flow
- Add new tools to the CI/CD Flow, as necessary
- Help us migrate from Jenkins to a cloud CI/CD solution
- Research and propose improvements to our process
- Keep an eye on speed, security and cost of our CI/CD setup

What We Offer
- Competitive compensation
- Constant growth opportunities
- Flexible work schedule and other benefits

The job is remote, you can work from the comfort of your home. All communications are online.
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