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Обо мне
Telegram @WDStalker
SKYPE - tir_stalker
06/2024 Senior Programmer, MoneyCat Financing Inc., Moscow, Russia
- Creation, etc. processing with and support projects
- Development of new modules
- GIT (version control), CI/CD, GitLab
- Jira (project management)
- PHP7.4-8.3, MySQL, Redis, jQuery, Yii2, Lavarel 10+, Vue3 JS, JavaScript, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, Node, NPM, Vite, Figma, etc
- PhpStorm, EmEditor, MC
02/2024 self-training
- creating a Yii2 - > alli.md
- switch from Yii2 - > Symfony6+
06/2011 Senior Programmer, Subsidiaries of ZETA Corporation, HiLife Interactive and Qnoon and DigitalContact and etc, NY, USA
- Creation, etc. processing with and support projects. Development of new modules
- Statistics, Utilities, Optimization, Using Queues.
- System Mailing (API, etc.)
- Facebook (API, APPS, etc.) and Others API
- Payment system (API, FORMS, etc.)
- PHP5-7.4, MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, Redis, jQuery, Yii2, JavaScript, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, ReactJS, Node, Figma, etc
- Svn, Git, GitLab, CI/CD, Docker, ssh, bash scripts, nginx, etc
- PhpStorm, EmEditor, MC
08/2010 Leading Programmer, Project: www.sport-express.ua and www.vseodetyah.com, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Improvement and support of projects
- Development of new modules
- SVN (version control)
- Redmine (Project Management)
- PHP5, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS, ssh and etc
02/2009 Leading Programmer, Project: www.playcast.ru, Moscow, Russia
- Finalization and support of the project.
- Development of new modules.
- Create payment systems.
- Store creation, etc.
- SVN (version control)
- TrackStudio (project management)
- Migrating from MySQL to Oracle
- Migration to Oracle Procedures
- PHP5, MySQL, Oracle, MemCached, JavaScript, CSS, cron, ssh, Soap, Rest and etc
04/2008 Leading Programmer, Company: www.usmerchantgroup.com, NY, USA
- Creation of a series of 30 stores for medicine, computer components and accessories for mobile phones.
- Development was carried out on the XCart system.
- Development of new modules.
- Refinement of existing ones.
- PHP5, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS, Regex, Data Collection
01/2003 Lead Programmer, the WEB Studio (www.riapro.ru), Vologda, Russia
- Sites development and support
- As part of this studio, he developed three versions of CMS WDSYS. The latest version was made in 2007, based on MVC technology.
- PHP4, PHP5, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS
02/2001 Leading Programmer, Holding Lanit (www.lanit.ru), Moscow, Russia
- Development and support of the system from scratch: "Information system for supporting the project Treasury of Russia" (www.etreasury.ru)
- PHP4, MySQL, JavaScript, MS SQL
- Project Design, CSS
- The project works only in IE. At that time, only IE had DOM JS
- I cannot provide access. Closed project.
10/1996 Design Specialist, Software Department, PSU State University, Tiraspol, Moldova
- Development of software for administrative departments of the University
- Network Administration and LAN Integration Solutions
- University Admissions Support
- Developer in a project with Siberlink USA
- VBA, Builder5.0, JBuilder6.0, Access DB, MS SQL Server, ASP, JavaScript, Apache, PHP4, MySQL
- Management and consultation in University Network projects
- Design, development and development of a business management system that provides office management and order processing.
Румынский Не знаю
Русский Свободно владею
Английский Средний
Желаемая отрасль
Образование: Высшее
Год окончания: 2001
Тирасполь, ПГУ им. Т.Г. Шевченко
Факультет: Инженерно-технический
Специальность: ВКСС
Пожелания к работе
Место работы
Hibrid (Oficiu/Acasă)
График работы
Водительское удостоверение
Категория: B
С личным авто
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